Essentials Plan:
For individuals needing straightforward tax services.

  • For individuals and singles with straightforward tax situations.
  • Single, one job
  • Renter
  • Student loan interest
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Advanced Plan:
For those with more complex financial situations requiring detailed attention.
$625 - $850
  • Perfect for married couples or individuals with more complex finances.
  • Married, with or without children
  • Homeowner, rental property
  • Investment income
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Elite Plan:
Catered to clients with extensive tax planning and financial strategy needs, including businesses, estates, and trusts.
$995 and up
  • Ideal for families, homeowners, and those with diversified income sources or investments.
  • Business, Trust, and Estate Returns
  • Sophisticated tax scenarios
  • Custom financial planning
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Often Asked Questions

What makes San Diego Tax Associates distinct from other financial planning firms?
How does the tax planning process with San Diego Tax Associates work?
Can San Diego Tax Associates assist with both my personal and business financial needs?
What kind of investment advice do you offer and how is it personalized?
How are your service fees structured and what can I expect to pay?
If I'm audited by the IRS, how will San Diego Tax Associates support me?
How frequently does San Diego Tax Associates review my financial plan and investments?
What approach does San Diego Tax Associates take towards insurance planning?
How can I start my financial planning journey with San Diego Tax Associates, and what should I expect in the initial consultation?

From Our Clients

When I approached San Diego Tax Associates, I was overwhelmed with my financial and tax situation. Richard and his team not only provided me with a comprehensive tax strategy that significantly reduced my liabilities but also guided me through investment options that have since grown my portfolio impressively. Their personalized approach and ongoing support have been invaluable.


San Diego Tax Associates transformed my approach to financial planning. Their advice was a game-changer for my business.


Thanks to Richard's team, I'm confident about my financial future. Best tax advice I've ever received!


I never realized how much I was overpaying in taxes until I met with the team at San Diego Tax Associates. They not only helped me understand my financial picture but also implemented strategies that saved me thousands. It's comforting to know I have experts on my side.

Secure Your Financial Future Today!